
"Mindfulness is the basic human ability to be fully present, aware of where we are and what we’re doing, and not overly reactive or overwhelmed by what’s going on around us."

  1. the quality or state of being conscious or aware of something. "their mindfulness of the wider cinematic tradition"
  2. a mental state achieved by focusing one's awareness of the present moment, while calmly acknowledging and accepting one's feelings, thoughts, and bodily sensations, used as a therapeutic technique.

deep breathing

deep breathing focuses on full, cleansing breaths that are easy to learn, takes only a few minutes and can be practiced anywhere. it can be combined with many things like aromatherapy, yoga, and music.

  1. sit up straight and instead of breathing through the chest, breathe from the belly.
  2. inhale through your nose then exhale through your mouth, pushing out as much air as you can, contracting your abdominal muscles.
  3. if this is difficult sitting, try lying down.

progressive muscle relaxation

with this exercise, you are starting at your feet and working up to your face but tensing the intended muscles.

  1. loosen clothing, take off your shoes and get comfortable. take a few deep breaths before starting.
  2. slowly tense your muscle, tightly as you can and hold for 10 seconds.


if you have some trauma and sometimes get stuck under stress, rouse your nervous system to a fight or flight response with a physical activity like:

  • running
  • dancing
  • yoga

afterwards, use the correct relief technique.


if you are usually depresed, withdrawn, spaced out from stress, try:

  • rhythmic exercise
  • massages
  • mindfulness
  • yoga

these help stimulate & energize your nervous system.


if you are usually angry, annoyed or stressed, try:

  • meditation
  • muscle relaxation
  • deep breathing
  • guided imagery

these activities quiet the mind and help you recharge.

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